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Today is January 20, 2025
We have 2 Verified and 1 Unverified Mental Health Professionals In Galveston, TX
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Galveston , TX | (281) 709 2105
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I assist clients dealing with addiction and the related co-occurring issues (anxiety, depression, anger, ADHD/ADD, stress, bipolar, schizo-affective, schizophrenic, etc.). All of my clients have experienced some type of trauma, PTSD, childhood emotional neglect, intergenerational family issues, spiritual emergency / psychosis, etc., and addiction has been the result. Clients who have been impacted are in my estimation actually highly sensitive people and highly spiritual people. I now offer an 11-Session Emotional Integration Training program that teaches you to manage your emotions in a skillful way putting the tools in your hands. The substance (or addiction) is never the problem, it's a symptom of the problem. The cause is ALWAYS a Core Issue. We'll explore your story, find out what happened, and teach you how to re-imagine your life in this new context focused on your strengths using a Collaborative Conversational Method. Our Emotional Integration Training Course is also available. I will teach you Practical Applications of Spiritual Care and Science. You will understand what is happening at a neuro-biological level and learn my Cognitive-Emotional Understanding approach to integrate your experiences at an emotional level. Changing thinking is not enough, the underlying emotion/belief has to change FIRST.
67297 | Texas
75905 | Texas
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